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Application Domains
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Section: Application Domains

Energy Management

Energy management, our prioritary application field, involves sequential decision making with:

Nice challenges also include:

We have several related projects (Citines, a European (FP7) project; in the near future we should start the Post project (ADEME); IOMCA, a ANR project), and POST, a ADEME project about investments in power systems. We have a collaboration with the SME Artelys, that works on optimization in general, and on energy management in particular.

Technical challenges: Our work focuses on the combination of reinforcement learning tools, with their anytime behavior and asymptotic guarantees, with existing fast approximate algorithms; see 6.2 . Our goal is to extend the state of the art by taking into account non-linearities which are often neglected in power systems due to the huge computational cost.

Related Activities: